Multiple features to make the most of your meetings
Meeting recorder
Record your meetings on Teams, Meet, Zoom on your browser or with a recording bot.
Turn it on in one click and collect participants' consent.
Turn it on in one click and collect participants' consent.
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Note and summary templates
Our 8 summary templates allow you to extract the key points from any conversation.
Whether it's a recruitment interview, a prospecting call or a team meeting, don't overlook any important details.
Whether it's a recruitment interview, a prospecting call or a team meeting, don't overlook any important details.
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Conversational Intelligence
Use sentiment analysis to measure the quality of your meetings and ensure the alignment of each participant.
Make your meetings more effective and richer.
Make your meetings more effective and richer.
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Meeting Assistant
Servez-vous de Noota comme d’un pense-bête. Laissez l’assistant vous suggérer des questions et réponses programmées à l’avance.
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Note et résumé personnalisé
Nos 8 templates de résumés permettent d’extraire les points clés de n’importe quelle conversation. Que ce soit un entretien de recrutement, un appel de prospection ou une réunion d'équipe, ne négligez aucun détail important.
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