How to improve the referencing of your podcasts ?

Beyond seeking to be listened to, any podcaster wants to be seen to be known. Developing its notoriety and growing its community is not an easy task, especially when you have just launched your podcast.
Your podcasts should be considered as content in its own right : they must therefore benefit from optimal SEO. The techniques to place them at the top of the search results are similar to videos or blog articles.
In this article, we've identified several tips to help you boost your podcasts' ranking in Google search results. By applying them, you should see the effects on your audience !
Before starting your podcasts, start by doing a keyword research and make a list with them. This will allow you to use relevant words in line with your topic, especially in the title and description of your podcast. Here, the goal is to find words that are frequently searched but not used by your competitors.
These SEO terms will then be a real asset for your natural referencing: you will go up in Google search results and will be more visible by Internet users !
This choice made beforehand will allow you to publish your podcasts in the best possible conditions. If you publish regularly, you need to be able to count on powerful servers capable of supporting the quantity of content that you will post.
You can then rely on tools that will allow you to outsource the management of your podcasts and avoid duplicate content.
Beyond the hosting platforms on which we will find your podcast, it is important to take care of the individual pages by optimizing their content. Like real product sheets, these pages will be a real opportunity for your SEO.
Take the opportunity to describe your podcasts, their content, their themes, what kind of audience they can address and add as many SEO terms as you want !
Unfortunately, only Google is able to reference you within Google Podcasts, you will not be able to publish on it yourself.
However, you can check all of these boxes to ensure that you are included :
By following these few steps, you should see your podcasts integrated within Google Podcasts, your referencing will then be even stronger !
One of the most effective methods to improve the referencing of your podcasts could be to transcribe them. Indeed, the automatic transcription would allow you to save time during your transcriptions and to devote it to other tasks of your daily life. In the same way, transcriptions will allow you to be better recognized by Google : these robots will associate your podcasts with the requests of Internet users.
This is what we offer at Noota ! With us, you can import your audio or video file directly on our platform and enjoy a quick transcription in only a few minutes. Once transcribed, your podcast can be published on your website along with its transcription. This written version will also open new doors to a new audience : your recording can then be appreciated by people who are hard of hearing or more generally who do not necessarily have the time to enjoy listening to a podcast.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: we will be happy to help you with your transcriptions!
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