6 Best Meeting Minutes Templates for all your needs

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Meeting minutes are not just routine paperwork or an uncessary note document.

They are essential records that keep your team aligned and accountable long after the meeting ends.

They ensure that every decision and task from your meetings is clear, actionable, and tracked.

Here are the best meeting minutes template that you can copy/paste whether you conduct a formal or informal meeting.

Why make a meeting minutes ?

When you think about meeting minutes, you might consider them just a formality. However, they are more crucial than you might realize. Let's break down why you should never skip documenting your meetings.

Legal Protection and Structure

Meeting minutes are your legal armor. They are recognized as legal documents by entities like auditors, the IRS, and courts. These documents confirm the decisions made by your leadership and are critical if your actions come under scrutiny. If something wasn't recorded in the minutes, legally, it's as if it never occurred.

Moreover, while there's no one-size-fits-all format for meeting minutes, accurately recording decisions is essential. This process involves noting how decisions were made, who attended, all motions put forward, and ensuring these minutes are approved at your next meeting. This not only aligns with legal and IRS expectations but also keeps your meetings structured and your team aligned​​.

Driving Action

Meeting minutes are key to turning discussions into actions. By clearly documenting decisions and assigning action items, you ensure nothing discussed is forgotten or overlooked. This clarity is crucial for maintaining momentum and ensuring tasks are completed as planned​.

Accountability and Progress Tracking

These documents serve as a progress tracker. They allow you to revisit past decisions, see how far you've come, and hold team members accountable. This isn't just backward-looking; it's about ensuring you're moving in the right direction, making adjustments as needed​​.


Clear recording of decisions and assigned tasks in your meeting minutes also spells out ownership. This transparency is vital for accountability.

It shows who is responsible for what and provides protection for those involved in decision-making.

Which elements to include in a meeting minutes ?

Now that you understand why you should make meeting minutes, let’s see what exactly you should include in them :

Basic Components of Meeting Minutes

At their core, meeting minutes should include several key elements:

  1. Details of the Meeting: Start with the basics - the date, time, and location of the meeting, as well as the type of meeting (regular, special, annual, etc.). This sets the stage for what follows.
  2. Attendees: List everyone present and note any absences. This is crucial for accountability and ensures that everyone knows who was involved in the discussions and decisions.
  3. Agenda Items: For each item on the agenda, summarize the key points of discussion. You don’t need to capture every detail, but the essence of the conversation should be clear.
  4. Decisions Made: Clearly document any decisions that were made, including any votes. This is one of the most critical parts of meeting minutes, as it records the outcomes that drive future actions.
  5. Action Items: Just as important as the decisions are the actions that come out of them. List out the tasks that need to be completed, who is responsible for each task, and their deadlines. This ensures accountability and follow-through.
  6. Next Steps: Sometimes, discussions lead to the need for further action or follow-up meetings. Note any future plans or meetings that were agreed upon.

Some Writing Guidelines

To make your meeting minutes as clear as possible, consider the following guidelines:

  • Be Concise: Keep your sentences short and to the point. You’re aiming for clarity and brevity, not a detailed transcript of the meeting.
  • Use Neutral Language: Meeting minutes should be objective and free from personal commentary or bias.
  • Follow a Standard Format: Using a consistent format makes your minutes easier to read and reference later on. Whether you develop your own template or use a standardized one, consistency is key.
  • Review and Approve: Before distributing the minutes, have them reviewed and approved by the meeting’s chairperson or a designated attendee. This ensures accuracy and agreement on what was discussed and decided.

6 Meeting minutes template for all your needs

Each meeting type, from team meetings to financial discussions, has its own set of needs when it comes to keeping records. Here we provide you with ready-to-use minutes templates to help you capture all the essential details of all your professionnal meetings.

Just copy/paste them and fill up the instructions:

Team Meeting Minutes Template

This template ensures clarity, facilitates follow-up, and holds everyone accountable to their commitments after a team meeting.

Meeting Title: [Meeting Purpose]
Date: [Date]
Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
Location: [Location/Video Conference Platform]
Attendees: [List of Attendees]
Absent: [List of Absentees]

Agenda Items:

  1. [Agenda Item 1]
    • Discussion Points:
      • [Brief Summary of Discussion]
    • Decisions Made:
      • [Decisions]
    • Action Items:
      • [Action Item] - [Responsible Person] - [Deadline]
  2. [Agenda Item 2]
    • Discussion Points:
      • [Brief Summary of Discussion]
    • Decisions Made:
      • [Decisions]
    • Action Items:
      • [Action Item] - [Responsible Person] - [Deadline]

Additional Notes:

  • [Any other relevant information, observations, or the need for further meetings]

Next Meeting:

Date: [Next Meeting Date]
Time: [Next Meeting Time]
Location: [Next Meeting Location/Video Conference Platform]

Board Meeting Minutes Template

This template provides a clear and accurate record of board actions and decisions, facilitating better governance and strategic direction for your organization.

Organization Name: [Organization]
Board Meeting Date: [Date]
Meeting Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
Location: [Location/Video Conference Link]
Meeting Called by: [Name]
Type of Meeting: [Regular/Special]
Secretary: [Name]
Attendees: [List of Board Members Present]
Absent: [List of Board Members Absent]

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Call to Order
    • Time: [Time Meeting Started]
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
    • Summary: [Brief summary or statement of approval]
    • Action: [Approval/Amendments to the minutes]
  3. Reports
    • Financial Report
      • Presented by: [Name]
      • Summary: [Key points from the report]
    • Committee Reports
      • [Committee Name]: [Brief Summary]
  4. Old Business
    • [Item from Previous Meeting]
      • Discussion: [Brief summary]
      • Decision: [Decision made]
  5. New Business
    • [New Agenda Item]
      • Discussion: [Brief summary]
      • Decision: [Decision made]
      • Action Item: [Task] - [Assigned To] - [Deadline]
  6. Announcements
    • [Any announcements that need to be made]
  7. Adjournment
    • Time: [Time Meeting Ended]

Next Meeting:

Date: [Date]
Time: [Time]
Location: [Location/Link]

Project Meeting Minutes Template

This template ensures that all project stakeholders are on the same page, facilitating seamless communication and coordination throughout the project lifecycle.

Project Name: [Project]
Meeting Date: [Date]
Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
Location: [Location/Video Conference Link]
Meeting Called by: [Name]
Purpose: [Specific Purpose of the Meeting]
Participants: [List of Participants]
Absent: [List of Absentees]

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Introduction
    • Overview: [Brief meeting introduction and objectives]
  2. Project Status Update
    • Presented by: [Name]
    • Summary: [Current status of the project, including any milestones reached or pending]
  3. Issues and Challenges
    • [Issue 1]
      • Discussion: [Brief summary]
      • Solutions Proposed: [Proposed solutions or actions]
    • [Issue 2]
      • Discussion: [Brief summary]
      • Solutions Proposed: [Proposed solutions or actions]
  4. Action Items
    • [Action Item 1]
      • Task: [Specific task to be done]
      • Assigned To: [Person/Team responsible]
      • Deadline: [Completion date]
    • [Action Item 2]
      • Task: [Specific task to be done]
      • Assigned To: [Person/Team responsible]
      • Deadline: [Completion date]
  5. Next Steps
    • [Next Step 1]: [Description]
    • [Next Step 2]: [Description]
  6. Questions & Closing
    • Open Floor for Questions: [Any questions from the participants]
    • Closing Remarks: [Any final thoughts or comments from the meeting leader]

Next Meeting:

Date: [Date]
Time: [Time]
Location: [Location/Link]

Annual Meeting Minutes Template

This template helps maintain clarity, continuity, and focus on the organization's mission and strategic goals, facilitating informed decision-making and member engagement.

Organization Name: [Organization]
Annual Meeting Date: [Date]
Meeting Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
Location: [Location/Video Conference Link]
Meeting Called by: [Name, Title]
Type of Meeting: Annual
Secretary: [Name]
Attendees: [List of Members Present]
Absent: [List of Members Absent]

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Call to Order
    • Time Called to Order: [Time]
    • Chairperson: [Name]
  2. Approval of Previous Annual Meeting Minutes
    • Action Taken: [Approval/Amendments]
  3. Year in Review
    • Presented by: [Name]
    • Highlights: [Key achievements, milestones, challenges]
  4. Financial Report
    • Presented by: [Treasurer's Name]
    • Summary: [Financial performance, budget review, and approval]
  5. Election of Board Members/Officers (If applicable)
    • Nominations: [List nominations]
    • Election Process: [Brief description]
    • Results: [Elected individuals]
  6. Strategic Plan for the Upcoming Year
    • Presented by: [Name]
    • Key Objectives: [Future goals, strategies]
  7. Open Discussion
    • Topics Discussed: [Summary of discussions]
  8. Acknowledgements
    • By: [Name]
    • Notes: [Recognition of contributions, milestones]
  9. Adjournment
    • Time Adjourned: [Time]

Next Annual Meeting:

Scheduled Date: [Date]
Time: [Time]
Location: [To be decided/Link]

Client Meeting Minutes Template

This template maintains a transparent and productive relationship with your clients, ensuring that all parties are aligned on the project's goals, progress, and next steps.

Meeting Title: [Project/Meeting Name]
Date: [Date]
Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
Location: [Location/Video Conference Link]
Client Name: [Client's Name]
Company Representative(s): [Name(s)]
Attendees: [List of all participants]
Absent: [List of Absentees]

Meeting Objectives:

  • Objective 1: [Description]
  • Objective 2: [Description]


  1. Project Status Update
    • Overview: [Brief summary of current project status]
    • Client Feedback: [Client's comments and suggestions]
  2. Challenges and Solutions
    • Issue: [Description of the issue]
    • Proposed Solution: [Solution discussed and any client input]
  3. New Requirements
    • Requirement: [Description of new requirement]
    • Impact Analysis: [Discussion on the impact to project scope, timeline, and budget]
  4. Next Steps
    • Action Item: [Task] - [Assigned To] - [Deadline]

Key Decisions:

  • Decision 1: [Decision made, including any client agreements]
  • Decision 2: [Decision made, including any client agreements]

Action Items:

  • [Action Item 1]: [Task] - [Responsible Person] - [Deadline]
  • [Action Item 2]: [Task] - [Responsible Person] - [Deadline]

Additional Notes:

  • [Any other information worth noting, including client's concerns, compliments, or requests]

Next Meeting:

Scheduled Date: [Date]
Time: [Time]
Location: [Location/Link]
Agenda: [Preliminary agenda for the next meeting]

Finance Meeting Minutes Template

This template aligns financial goals with organizational strategies, ensuring that financial resources are effectively managed and utilized.

Meeting Title: [Meeting Topic]
Date: [Date]
Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
Location: [Location/Video Conference Link]
Meeting Called by: [Name]
Attendees: [List of Participants]
Absent: [List of Absentees]

Meeting Objectives:

  • Objective 1: [Description]
  • Objective 2: [Description]

Agenda Items:

  1. Financial Performance Review
    • Presented by: [Presenter Name]
    • Summary: [Overview of current financial performance against budget, including key variances]
  2. Budget Discussion
    • Topic: [Specific budget item or category]
    • Discussion: [Summary of discussion, including any concerns, opportunities for savings, etc.]
  3. Financial Strategy
    • Strategy Topic: [Description of the strategy discussion]
    • Decisions Made: [Summary of strategic decisions and their financial implications]
  4. Upcoming Financial Obligations
    • Overview: [Presenter Name provides a summary of upcoming financial commitments and their impact on cash flow]
  5. Action Items
    • [Action Item 1]: [Task] - [Assigned To] - [Deadline]
    • [Action Item 2]: [Task] - [Assigned To] - [Deadline]

Key Decisions:

  • Decision 1: [Decision made regarding financial strategies, budget allocations, etc.]
  • Decision 2: [Decision made regarding financial strategies, budget allocations, etc.]

Additional Notes:

  • [Any other important information shared during the meeting, such as financial forecasts, investment opportunities, or risk management strategies]

Next Meeting:

Scheduled Date: [Date]
Time: [Time]
Location: [Location/Link]
Preliminary Agenda: [Topics to be discussed]

Automated Meeting Minutes : Noota

Tired of taking minutes manually ?Noota helps managers and teams streamline their meeting processes, ensuring no detail is missed, no matter the meeting type.

Here's how Noota specifically benefits you:

  • Automated Recording and Transcription: Forget about frantic note-taking. Noota records and transcribes your discussions in real-time, ensuring every word is captured accurately.
  • Customizable Minutes: Noota understands that one size doesn't fit all. Customize your meeting minutes template to match your meeting type, whether it's for a project update or a financial review.
  • Effortless Sharing: With Noota, distributing meeting minutes to your team is just a click away. Ensure everyone is on the same page, whether they attended the meeting or not.

You want to say goodbye to the days of unclear, incomplete meeting note ? Try Noota for free and ensures that every decision and action item is documented in your meetings.

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